Friday, November 14, 2008

It's time to take action

From the Desk of Michael Vaughn

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." Preamble to the Constitution

With these words, our great country began. We have seen quite a few crisis throughout our history, but we have never faced one like the financial crisis we face right now.

Oil prices went through the roof, Banks Closing, Panic on Wall Street, Homeowners losing homes in greater numbers then ever before. Our leading economists tell us that the recession is going to last another couple of years. Every day we hear nothing but DOOM & GLOOM.

For most Americans, listening to this message of pending disaster and recession brings with it feelings of fear and hopelessness.

Our leaders have talked about taking actions to stabilize our economy. So far the only answer has been to "bail out" several "big" businesses and banks. To the tune of over a TRILLION DOLLARS and rising!

Yet, throughout all of this talk of helping to stabilize our economy, NO ONE has provided any help for the American people. In fact, quite the contrary, the very businesses they're bailing out are the same ones who had a hand in starting the crisis and subsequently, stopped the flow of money!

Which begs the question, How are we supposed to "secure the Blessing of Liberty and Posterity" if we, the people, don't have the funds to do so?


I remember the last time we were here, when the savings and loan debacle caused our last recession, I worked hard just to make ends meet. I was never able to do more than just "break even", while I saw many people become well off during those precarious times.

It seems to me that someone makes money from these economic situations. That's why I'm not buying into the hoopla and instead…

I've decided not to participate in this recession

That's right you heard me;

I'm Boycotting the Recession

And I want YOU to join me….
I know you’re asking:

_ What about all the banks going out of business?
_ What about the turmoil on Wall Street?
_ What about the all the doom and gloom we see on the news everyday?
_ What about all the hoopla about the 700 billion dollar bailout?
_ What about all the people losing their home?

Fuggedaboudit... Boycott it ALL!

It is time that we, the people, take matters into our own hands.

Margaret Mead one said;

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

The only way each and every one of us can survive (dare I say SUCCEED) during these economic times is to help each other.

The fact is, right now, there are a lot of people who are experiencing the greatest economic prosperity of their lives.

How are they doing this? -

1) by taking control of their finances and
2) by helping others.

It is time that We, the People, band together and put an end to this financial crisis.

We've decided to start a movement...

At the Boycott the Recession movement our mission is two fold:

1) To take the feeling of fear & helplessness out of our minds and replace it with the “I’m going to become financially secure" mind set.

2) To get the cash flowing back into our economy again.

How you can help - - -

START SUPPORTING SMALL BUSINESSES, if your neighbor has a product they are selling then buy something from them! If your friend, family or co-worker has a product, whether it's "lotion or potions" or whatever it is, if you can use it, BUY IT!

This simple act of buying will start the flow of cash circulating in our society. And that's what we, the people, need. CASH FLOW.

Every Friday I will be here sharing my thoughts on the week's economic news and providing you with information on how to Boycott the Recession

You can also visit us at

Have a great weekend!

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